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Posted by Runa Troy on

Episode 35, Season One, White Clover & Cloven Moon, March 10, 2018

!0 of Wands Reversed coupled with the Queen of Cups. Holy Smoke!

Greetings Country Dwellers!

This week on the podcast, MareLin, Pacific Northwest High Priestess, and Secret Solitary Warrior Runa Troy are visted by the Ten of Wands (reversed) coupling with the Queen of Cups. It’s quite the smoke-in-your-eyes reading. We talk about the lucky magic of white clover and the upcoming Capricorn Moon. We learn about sandstone and talk about the upcoming spring equinox. We cook up some duck egg salad in our cauldrons and visit with Wendy of Hestia’s Muse. Then we dive into a mud bath. As always we leave you with some Old Ones’ Wisdom and the Spell of the Week.

Have a listen below. Don’t forget to share our podcast with a friend.

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Post Script Links:

Tamara’s Hungarian Mud Bath

Old Tree Metaphysical Shoppe and Healing Space

Posted by Runa Troy on

Cauldron Cooking: Duck Egg Salad

Duck Egg Salad. Perfect for anything new.

Spring is coming, and the duck eggs are here. Spring is a time of renewal, and this recipe is full of renewal magic. I often feed this to someone who is starting a new venture, wanting to get pregnant, or moving into a new home. The intention you infuse in this dish and just it’s basic ingredients are all about growth.

Notes on this recipe: 

Get the water ready before putting in the eggs.

Find a gardener who cans her own pickle relish for an extra special magic and tastiness for this recipe. 

Don’t put the eggs in the water and then turn on the stove. Follow the directions below. Smaller duck eggs will take between 7 to 9 minutes to cook; larger ones 10 to 12 minutes. Start with the longest time first until you get the hardness you prefer. I enjoy my eggs just barely into hard. But if you don’t want to see any darker yolk, albeit cooked, do the full time. 

I prefer the stone-ground mustard. As for the mayo, you could totally be meta and make your own with more duck eggs. But store-bought is fine.

Your chives should be coming up in the garden, and this is a great recipe to add those fresh chives in. However, in a pinch or if you have eggs but the fresh chives aren’t available, freeze-dried is still yummy.  

Easy Peasy ingredients. Don’t let the picture fool you, that’s homemade relish. I keep it in that jar because I have children that think only store-bought is best. Yes, they are weird.

This recipe will make two generous portions.


Two Duck Eggs

Pickle Relish, 1 Tablespoon to 1 1/2 Tablespoons

Mustard, 2 teaspoons

Mayonnaise, 1 Tablespoon to 1 1/2 Tablespoons

Salt, to taste

Pepper, to taste

Chives, a generous sprinkling


Stop the egg cooking with ice water.

Set a pot with enough water in it to cover your eggs, but don’t put the eggs in the water yet. Boil the water. Once boiling, slowly lower with a slotted spoon the duck eggs into the water. Set a timer for 10 minutes (average — see note above). Once the eggs have boiled for the time set, pull the pot off the stove. Slowly drain the water off, gently stream cold water from sink onto eggs and put a handful of ice on them and let them sit three to five minutes. They should be easy to handle, peel, and be perfectly cooked.

Dump it all in a mixing bowl, mix, and serve.

Peel the eggs and chop into a bowl. Add all the ingredients in and mix well. Serve on toasted bread in a sandwich or open sandwich, or on a bed of leafy greens. Enjoy.

This recipe may be made ahead of time and enjoyed within two days.