Episode 35, Season One, White Clover & Cloven Moon, March 10, 2018

!0 of Wands Reversed coupled with the Queen of Cups. Holy Smoke!

Greetings Country Dwellers!

This week on the podcast, MareLin, Pacific Northwest High Priestess, and Secret Solitary Warrior Runa Troy are visted by the Ten of Wands (reversed) coupling with the Queen of Cups. It’s quite the smoke-in-your-eyes reading. We talk about the lucky magic of white clover and the upcoming Capricorn Moon. We learn about sandstone and talk about the upcoming spring equinox. We cook up some duck egg salad in our cauldrons and visit with Wendy of Hestia’s Muse. Then we dive into a mud bath. As always we leave you with some Old Ones’ Wisdom and the Spell of the Week.

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Post Script Links:

Tamara’s Hungarian Mud Bath

Old Tree Metaphysical Shoppe and Healing Space