Episode 43, Season One, Switching Roles for Growth, May 19, 2018

Time to delegate!

Thank you, listeners, we love you. We’re so grateful for you coming each week and hanging out in our little witchy cottage on the internet, drinking tea and mimosas with us and cooking up all kinds of magic and fun!

This week we have a special visit from the 10 of Wands and the Ace of Swords, with a special message to delegate for your best and highest good. We talk about elements of a well-written spell, as we enter first quarter waxing crescent moon in fiery Leo with some chakra alignment sparking even more magick. We learn about the stone Sardonyx. Then we eat ourselves well with the magic of cauldron cooking. We plan escapes with our listeners and we have a special spell of the week.

Have a listen below. Don’t forget to share our podcast with a friend.

Again, please leave a comment, question, or content request here. We’ll happily respond to you here or on our podcast.

Yours in love and light,

~Runa & MareLin